Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's middle school all over again

My best friend just called my ex boyfriend from a restricted number, and goes 'You suck,' and hung up. I'm not going to lie, it really did make me happy.

Yeah, i'm immature. I know.

That's really the only part of my week that's been blog worthy.

Hooray for *67.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is gonna be short

My brother is in some trouble, and we might be going there (there being Long Island) to go sort things out. So if I'm not in class tomorrow, you all know why. Things are just a little crazy right now. Sorry that I don't have more to say

Alrighty, plans have changed. We leave on Saturday for L.I. So i'll be there.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tequila Mockingbird

Seriously needs to come out with the final version of 'Snowglobe' already.
That's been stuck in my head all week, man.

If you haven't heard of them, you're missing out.

Here's their myspace link
"Let me see you shake it like a snowglobe!"

Anddddddd since this is a blogging assignment, here's
Travie's Blog

Goodness Gracious Great Balls of FUUUUUUR!!! from Travie McCoy on Vimeo.