Friday, February 29, 2008

The Slow Clap

Can I get something off my chest here?
The slow clap bugs the hell out of me. If you're not familiar with the slow clap, it's where you clap with a good one to two second pause in-between. It's best done with a large group, and guys tend to pull it off better than girls.
I was leaving the bus today and some lovely boys from my bus did the slow clap. Now, what exactly is the point of that? It made me giggle, but then the neurotic part of my head was thinking 'are my pants ripped?, did I sit in something?' You know, just wondering what the joke was. I'm sure it wasn't meant in a mean way, but the neurotic part of my head takes over when stuff like that happens. I just smiled and said 'have a nice weekend.'
So, that's my message for the day. I hate the slow clap.


Sarah said...

OMG I TOTALLY AGREE!!! The slow clap really bugs me too. guys can be so stupid sometimes though and they just do the clap prolly to get attention or to annoy the heck out of people. They just do it to get attention. So next time they slow clap when you walk by just take a bow and say thank you!!!

missbrightside said...

haha, sounds good Sarah. Killing them with kindness is usually the route I take.

Colin Rambo! said...

Same here, i hate the slow clap!