Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The race

To become President, that is!

A few people have talked about this already, so i'll throw in my two cents.

First off, let me start with Hillary.

-Sir Edmund Hillary incident
-Umm, Ron Brown, anyone? Who knows how she's raising money this time, or who's going to die because of it.
-Refusing to answer reporter's questions
-Yelling at reporters for asking a previously asked question
-Paying reporters to only ask certain questions
-And last but not least, what kind of self respecting woman would stay with Bill? Seriously. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but what the hell? Have some class, dear.
-Voting against a law that would prevent desecration of the flag
-She's a flip flopper. From 2003-2004 she voted against almost everything that called for veteran funding, but as the war progressed and it became a more patriotic thing, she voted yes on veteran funding. As far as i'm concerned, veteran support is key. You should do it because it's right, not because it makes you look good.

Overall, I believe that she is a dishonest person with a shady political background.

Now, I understand what a lot of people are thinking...
'But Sami, the Clinton administration has always made my dollar go further. They support the middle class'

Okay, fine. However, As far as I'm concerned, the lives of all the men and women fighting over in Iraq, are far more valuable than me saving some money. Plus, Hillary has adopted a 'for the good of all' mindset that will NOT save you money. Yes, it will help the economy, and I believe it is one of her few decent plans, but if you're placing your bets on her just to save money... you're not going to.

Next, Ron Paul.
I don't know too much about him. I need to do more research.
What I do know is that he supports the legalization of Marijuana, which is a forward thinking idea that would greatly benefit our country. However, I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the election.

Next, Obama.
I think he has a lot of great ideas, but he's promising a lot of things that he just can't deliver. We're in a deficit, this is not the time to be making hefty promises. This is the time for solutions. I just don't feel like he has answers to the problems our country faces. There's also that whole saluting the flag thing, but I haven't looked into that in any great depth, and it really just seems like a few isolated incidents.

As far as i'm concerned, McCain is the only way to go.

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