Monday, February 25, 2008

Cheese and tomatoes in perfect harmony

I was trying to think of a blog topic today, and I think I'll roll with Elise's great idea of posting about a specific food I love. In her case, it was chocolate covered pretzels. In my case, it's pizza rolls.

Aside from mac and cheese, i'm pretty sure that there is no better food. Sure, they're absolutely terrible for you, but in reality, almost everything is, so i'm not deterred by this. I just make sure that they're an infrequent indulgence.

'Why pizza rolls when you can just have pizza?' Good question dear blogger, one for which I have an answer.

I've already discovered my absolute favorite pizza ever, and nothing can compare. There's this pizza place in Long Beach (Long Island) that has THE best pizza ever. It's absolutely delicious. Therefore, I can't claim that any pizza around here is the best, because it's just not!

However, the door is still open for best 'pizza related product' aka- Pizza Bagels, Pizza Rolls, Bagel Bites, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm you know what "pizza related product" is like really really good?

those pepperoni pizza hot pockets! and if you're like me and you like to eat really unhealthy foods that sounds healthy, go with the lean pocket ones =P

ps thanks for the granola tip, i'll have to check that out!
pps dont you love how were going back and forth with food tips?? haha