Tuesday, February 5, 2008

First Entry like whoah

I created this blog today because Mrs.Krieger said we would be working on a blog assignment in the next week or so. I use livejournal (I have 3 accounts), but since she recommended blogger, I thought I'd use this for the assignment. So far, I don't like the formatting at all and I can't figure out where all the HTML stuff to edit your layout goes. LAME. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it. I put The Bunny Suicides as one of my favorite books, in my profile. I'm kind of re-thinking that one. haha. I included a picture, just incase you aren't familiar with the book. (Image credit goes to the author, Andy Riley)
I think I've thoroughly weirded you out, so i'm going to go do my spanish homework now.
hasta luego!

1 comment:

MemphisKell said...

Hi Sami, Look at it this way. Using blogger will give you something to compare Live Journal to. Anyway, it's always good to learn new stuff. I picked blogger because it's simple. I also need uniformity among all of you or I will go cuckoo crazy trying to keep up. You rule!